Hope was born under a tree. A man named Alfred and a group of refugee parents determined hope for their country could be found in her children. They began with nothing, in faith that it would work out. They started with a small seed of a school under a tree and began to nourish it.
In the meantime, a man named Uche from Nigeria who was called to serve and disciple the people of South Sudan moved his ministry to Uganda because of the war in South Sudan. He gathered a team of people from all walks of life, connected by a thread of hope and a passion to help those affected by injustice. The Greater Hope Project was born. The group had a heart to join this man of peace with his vision for the people of South Sudan.
When the two men met, Alfred the head teacher and Uche the visionary missionary, God smiled. The school was already in existence, and named Hope Primary School. The project was already moving forward, and named the Greater Hope Project. Could the two have fit together any more perfectly or been any more God ordained? Uche’s vision to reach the community through the school aligned with Alfred’s vision to grow a school built by refugee parents for their refugee children.
Since that time, numerous organizations have come alongside and added their own skills to the mission. Parakeltis USA, led by Glen Totten has become the trauma healing component; Advancing Leaders International USA, led by Karin Knutson has become the teacher trainer piece; His-Sickles International Mission led by Uche Izuora, has taken on the discipleship portion; while the Meraki Project UK, led by Annika Philips is doing artwork and creativity with students. The Citizens of Refuge USA, led by Joe Barnes has created a documentary, A School Called Hope, to bring awareness to the plight of the South Sudanese and the hope that still lives in them despite their circumstances. These seeds of hope are being watered by many people from many different walks of life.
If we continue to feed and water the seeds, we will begin to see the fruit coming forth in literacy, healing for trauma, growth in faith, academic progress and creative expression. Education is a way to give children a future; an opportunity to reverse the poverty they were born into. This school gives displaced kids a purpose each day and teaches them how to work for success.
Our common belief is that helping people should not be a hand out, but a way to invest in a lasting and sustainable future. Empowering and transforming whole communities through education and discipleship helps break the chains of apathy and defeat. Our goal is to come alongside these refugees who have taken the initiative to provide a platform where their community can thrive and have a Greater Hope for a better future.
We invite you to join us in our mission!